Campus Club Directory

Campus Clubs Provide opportunities for students, faculty, and staff with similar interests to connect. There are many clubs you can get involved in at Walla Walla University to help you discover new interests, meet new people, and enhance your educational experience.

This club directory contains a listing of all active clubs on campus with contact information available on each club when you click the club's name. For additional information about clubs on campus visit our Campus Clubs page or contact

The ACM Club is designed to enhance the experience of students interested in computer science at Walla Walla University. The club has three main pillars of focus: enhancing education and developing skills, fostering community, and serving others. Through these pillars the club seeks to enable its members to develop new abilities, form connections, and use their God-given talents in service to others.

Sponsor: Preston Carman (

President: Joshua Garbi (

Aleph Gimel Ain, AGA, was founded in 1928 as the women's residence hall club for Foreman and Conard halls. Over the years, AGA has grown to become a well-known organization among WWU alumni. All women’s residence hall students pay dues and belong to AGA.

AGA is an active organization offering activities such as the Mudbowl, Breast Cancer 5K for breast cancer awareness, AGA Mother's Day weekend; and in house activities such as open house, food feeds, and weekly worships.


President: Harmony Smith (

The purpose of the Anime club is to provide a fun opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge of Japanese culture and to interact with other students who have a shared interest in anime. The Anime Club provides a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere where like-minded individuals may come to enjoy, discuss, and socialize. Anime Club also aims to keep members informed on and actively involved in new developments in Japanese animation and culture.


President: Danyah Allen Morales Cruz (

The purpose of the Asian and Pacific Islander club isn’t all about fortune cookies and soy sauce, but about something meaningful. We strive for excellence for the Walla Walla University students and faculty. By doing that, we provide fun filled events to entertain students and help them make friendships, experiences, and memories that can last them a lifetime.

Qin Ma (
Anthony Nakashima (
Matt Webster (

President: Luigi Tingson (


ASCE is an opportunity to connect with other students through events like service day, camping, and local tours. We also offer opportunities to connect with the national ASCE chapter which offers scholarships and perks for student members.  

Sponsor: Bryce Cole (

President: Natalie Hunter (

ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. We provide fun engineering activities as well as other social events, giveaways, discounts and more to get people involved in a fun and creative environment. Our goal is to connect the science and the social aspects, making the club informative and fun on a scientific level by staying connected to the national ASME group, while making it enjoyable and a social event that people will want to be apart of.

Sponsor: Delvin Peterson (

President: Joshua Guzman (

Associated Students of Walla Walla University, ASWWU, was created in May of 1914 to give students a voice on campus.

Sponsor: Brooklynn Armesto-Larson (

President: Lorelei Harbour (

ASWWU Portland provides social events and treats that encourage and lift up the spirits of the nursing students as they continue into a nursing career. It also provides a social outlet for the students to help them stay connected to their classmates even as they span the city of Portland serving the community through healthcare.

Sponsor: Annette Riebe (

President: Austin Ulloa (

The Atlas exists as a place to visit, relax, learn, and serve our community through specialty coffee and quality tea. By signing up for Atlas Club, you will be provided access to exclusive discounts, memorable events, and Atlas merchandise to help you extract the best experience from our student-run coffee house. 

Sponsor: Darren Wilkins (

President: Heloisa Sarli (

The Aviation Club is run out of the Aviation program and is aimed at all aviation majors, aviation minors, and anyone else who has an interest in the wonder of flight.

Sponsor: Shawn Dietrich (

President: Krislyn Clouse (

The Badminton Club promotes badminton games to people of all levels who love to play. This club will provide recurring badminton events throughout the school year at a time that most members and non-members can join. This club supports good sportsmanship.

Sponsors: Rodd Strobel (

President: Daniel Palacios (

Biology Club is a social organization for biologists and others who love living things to enjoy time together in nature and with biology faculty.

David Cowles (
Kirt Onthank (
Cecilia Brothers (

President: Nathan Dabney (

The BSCF Club is a social club open to all students that focuses on fellowship, entertainment, and getting involved. The club was originally founded upon a love and appreciation for African-American culture, and has diversified to represent and share in cultural activities and foods from around the world! 

Lead by a dedicated and hardworking team of individuals, the club has thrived throughout the years! With its many events such as BBQ's, Christmas parties, picnics, and more, the BSCF club is ideal for students who love to have fun and try new things, and even for those who normally have a hard time socializing with others.

Sponsor: Pedrito Maynard-Reid (

Presidents: Abel Biruk (

Business Club is for all students, not just business majors. We understand that college is stressful, so we plan at least one fun event per week to help you de-stress and socialize without having to do anything more than show up! Events include: bowling parties, exclusive movie premiers, burrito lunches, coffee and doughnuts, skating nights, and more.

Sponsors: Johanna Attoh (

President: Richard Bass (

Chemistry Club is guaranteed to increase the chemistry between you and others! By offering 4-5 fun-filled social events per quarter, you're guaranteed quality time and tasty munchies with all your buds. You'll also receive a much sought-after Chem Club T-Shirt and Water Bottle that will blow your metaphorical socks off! Join Chemistry Club today!

Sponsor: Joseph Brannaka (

Carly Haeger (
Alice Nguyen (

The Walla Walla University Chess Club is a student-run organization for all WWU students. The Chess Club meets once every week to play with each other and socialize. Additional benefits include: Access to chess equipment, the club library, the opportunity to join professional tournaments when available, and more!

Sponsor: Preston Carman (

President: Gavin Albritton (

Drama Club exists to provide you both on- and off-campus theatre opportunities throughout the year. Your membership supplies you with free tickets to all wwudrama productions and a free ticket to a show in the community each quarter. You will also enjoy access to all of our fun events, including Pizza and Musical Movie Night, special performances, and workshops brought to our campus.

Sponsor: Jerry Entze (

Caidyn Boyd (
Alyssa Brown (

The purpose of the Education Club is to promote the professional, social, spiritual and academic interests of the club members. An additional purpose will be to share the benefits, challenges, opportunities and vision for service and leadership in education with other groups on the WWU campus and the surrounding community.

Brian Hartman (
Amanda Ramoutar (

President: Beth Reece (

Engineers Without Borders (EWB) partners with communities in developing countries to address their self-identified needs. Over the past six years, we have collaborated to build two schools in Honduras and to bring clean water to two communities in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Students from all majors are encouraged to join our club as we bring electricity to the community of Japura, Peru.

Sponsors: Natalie Smith-Gray (

President: Caleb Snarr (

His Kids in Action puts on VBS-style programs for children every other Saturday afternoon at the Northside SDA Church. WWU student volunteers lead out in music, games, crafts, Bible skits, and more. The goal of HKIA is to provide children with a safe, loving environment where they can build relationships with each other, volunteers, and ultimately, Jesus.  


President: Eric Rojas (

As a part of the History Club, you will be invited to take part in many activities this year, including movie nights, the burning of Guy Fawkes, and a Luau! You will also be encouraged to participate in service to the community (ie. WWU’s service day at Fort Walla Walla) and other community-building events.  We’re looking forward to a fun, eventful year!

Sponsors: Monique Roddy (

Presidents: Savannah Veitia (

iClub (International Club)
iClub's mission is to foster intercultural awareness. The iClub promotes interests related to International Students and those who are in need of assistance, infuses multiculturalism throughout all aspects of campus life, and promotes goodwill within the international community. Assist the international community to acclimate to life in the U.S. and at WWU, and to facilitate meaningful opportunities for international students, faculty and staff to contribute to the WWU community. Officers will put on various events that showcase the diversity in foods, cultures, fashion, dance, speakers, poetry, songs, art, and so much more.

Darren Wilkins (
Sharryl Toews (
Nestor Osorio (
Karen Murcia (

President: Dmitry Kozakov (

This is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers student branch. IEEE is for anyone who is interested in things with circuits and their friends. List of events: LAN parties, Pancake Feasts, Electrical Builds, etc.

Douglas Logan (
Mark Haun (

President: Kolby Kriegelstein (


The purpose of the Investment Club is to foster conversation and provide practical applications to learn about investing.

Sponsor: Bruce Toews (

President: Andrew Vaughan (

The LASA Club promotes interests related to diverse Hispanic Cultures in Latin America, provides opportunities to experience different cultures by music, food, and fellowship related events for its members, and promotes goodwill within the Walla Walla and College Place community.

Mike Jimenez (
Tiffany Nelson (

President: Sara Miranda (


The Math Club offers a variety of events and activities designed to be enjoyed by students from all disciplines.  While many of the activities are connected to mathematics, members are not expected to have any particular mathematics background.

Sponsor: Tim Tiffin (

President: Gabe Cruz (

The Walla Walla Men's Volleyball Club is a fellowship of men who enjoy playing competitive collegiate volleyball. Games are played against other men's club teams in the Pacific Northwest. Tryout if you're looking for a fun yet competitive outlet from class

Sponsor: Jordan Manteghi (

President: Ayden Lee (

The Missions Club strives to unite the student missionaries of Walla Walla University. Through fun activities, good food, and moments to share great stories, this club serves to connect and support our current missionaries, returned missionaries, and future missionaries. If you are part of our student missions family, this club is for you! We are also excited to welcome future student missionaries: please contact the student missions office to explore your missions opportunities and join this club.

Sponsor: Andrea Keele (

President: Hannah Knipple (

Music club is a group of people who come alive from God’s gift of music. We believe that social events, discounted WW Symphony tickets, an annual trip to an out-of-town show, and volunteering in our community are just a few ways that we can team up and share our love of music with each other. We also believe that free food and cool T-shirts are the way to college students’ hearts. Make a NOTE of it: Join music club!

Sponsor: Kraig Scott (

President: Heidi Kissinger (

Don't let the name fool you. This club is predominately nurses but we welcome all students of any major to the club. If free stuff and cool activities are not your game then this club is not for you. The nursing club aims to get students together for a good time and keep morale up throughout the entirety of the year. Join Today!

Sponsor: Holly Coon (

Presidents: Gracie Fulton (

Omicron Pi Sigma is the official club for residents of Sittner and Meske halls. OPS, which means "loyal fellow workman," is responsible for events throughout the school year, including the Mudbowl, Amateur Hour, and worships in Sittner Hall's lobby every Monday at 9:30 p.m. 

The purpose of OPS is to provide a safe place for study, spiritual growth, work, and recreation. Commitment to being respectful, responsible, and accountable enables members to embrace the motto: “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity.” - Psalms 133:1

Sponsor: Declan McCann (

President: Calvin Thompson (

Sponsored by the Walla Walla University English department, Pegasus club seeks to unite all those who long to soar on the wings of creativity and freedom, especially students and faculty who share a love of literature and the arts.

Sponsor: Lauren Peterson (

President: Jamie Cahoon (

The pre-professional club is for all pre-health students, which includes medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. The club is designed to help students reach career goals by providing opportunities to interact with professionals and peers, while also including food and fun events throughout the year.

Sponsor: Jeremy Wiggins (

Judy Lorenz (
Maleah Moses (

The Product Design Club is run out of the Product Design program and is aimed at all product designers, graphic designers, and anyone else who loves design.

Sponsor: Josie Henderson (

President: Lydia Fortune (

A club for students interested in Psychology as a major or minor, or just students who are interested in the field of Psychology. The club typically has one big group event per term (Christmas party, Spring Picnic, etc.) and several small events such as movie or game nights, free coffee at the Atlas, or service events.

Sponsor: Melody Ezpeleta (

President: Sasha Careri (


The Society for Biological Engineering Club promotes the interests of not only bioengineers but anyone who has an interest in science, pre-med, medicine, biomedical engineering, and biochemistry. The SBE Club is a partnership with an SBE student chapter which provides both biochemists and bioengineers with the ability to be a part of a larger community and to benefit from collaborations with professors and students who are a part of the SBE community.

Sponsor: Janice McKenzie (

President: Isaac Gessele (

The purpose of the Social Work Club is to come together as a club and enjoy some fun activities while giving back to the community. We will be working to sponsor a local social service organization through volunteer activities and finding different ways to raise money and help out with this organization. Along with this the club will put on a number of fun group events and opportunities for members to get free coffee, food, frozen yogurt, etc.

Emily Tillotson (
Cheris Current (
Deisy Haid (

Benjamin Somerville (
Holly Harrison (

The Factory Club is a mash up of design and communications.  Our events and motives are all centered around art and visual communication.  This year we plan on having lots of fun with a creative mixture of art, design, and communications.  Some of our event include: photo shoots, art galleries, plays, and sketch night.

Sponsor: Joel Libby (

President: Ash Aispuro (

The purpose of Theology Club is to provide social activities that allow its members to associate together, become better acquainted with the School of Theology faculty, and to foster a closer relationship with God. Although the club is composed primarily of Theology and Religion majors, it also includes people of different majors who share a similar interest in spiritual fellowship.

Sponsor: Carl Cosaert (

President: Eli Stanciu (

Auto Club allows students at WWU who enjoy cars, trucks, and motorcycles to meet and enjoy activities together based around their love of vehicles.

Sponsor: Rob Holm (

President: Christian Blech (

Welcome to Village Club! Exclusively for undergraduate students who live in campus-owned or off-campus housing and are enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits. We'll be having many events throughout the year that will help us all stay connected (and fed).

Sponsor: Misty Puymon (

President: Richard Bass (

WWU Wolfpack Engineering was created to be a space for engineers and others with a strong passion for robotics and engineering to solve challenging problems and develop their skills in engineering. In addition to developing technical skills, WPE's purpose is to create teams of people and place them in challenging situations so that the members can grow as individuals and as team players.

The challenge WPE will attempt to solve may be different from year to year, but it will focus on engineering and team building. The challenge may be a robotics competition, an engineering design competition, or it could be some other type of engineering problem. The year's challenge will be announced by the organization and decided upon by the leaders of the organization.

The primary goals of the WPE are to:
1. Develop a sense of awe at the laws of nature that God has created
2. Develop a passion for science and engineering
3. Develop team and project skills
4. Develop engineering knowledge and technical skills
5. Develop leadership and project management skills

Sponsor: Rob Frohne (
President: Nathan Neidigh (

Enactus is the world’s largest experiential learning platform dedicated to creating a better world while developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators. The Enactus network of global business, academic and student leaders are unified by our vision—to create a better, more sustainable world.

Sponsor: George Perez (

President: Victor Molina (

The club on campus committed to growing and encouraging a community that empowers students to support and inspire each other in their fitness journeys. We organize events and challenges, share health/fitness related tips, and offer exclusive Fitness Club gear to all club members.

Sponsor: Brooke August (

President: Jovanni Preciado (